What do the stars have to say about Aries and Scorpio compatibility? Are they a match made in heaven, or will this be a difficult relationship?
Well, it’s a little of both. Mars, the planet of desire, conflict, and passion, rules Aries and Scorpio. You might have heard that Pluto also rules Scorpio, but in ancient Astrology, Mars is the planet that governs this strategic, powerful sign.
So, what happens when two zodiac signs are ruled by one planet? For one thing, they’ll have plenty in common. Yet, for another, they’ll probably have a fair amount of tension, too, especially when a planet like Mars is involved. Mars is divisive and tends to indicate separation rather than connection. Thus, the Aries-Scorpio relationship can be full of storms and fire but equally full of desire and passion. It will take a great deal of maturity on both sides for this relationship to last the test of time. Immature Aries and Scorpio types can be volatile, selfish, and pushy, whereas mature Aries and Scorpio are loyal and would lay down their lives for each other.
Are Aries and Scorpio a Good Match?
At this point, we may wonder if Aries and Scorpio make a good match and whether they have true compatibility.
Yes, there are stormy moments. If these two aren’t the very best versions of themselves, then they may well run into trouble. At worst, the Aries-Scorpio couple can break up every few months, only to get back together with even more desire and passion than before. Yet, this cycle can become vicious and never-ending, eventually exhausting even the most loyal of Aries and Scorpio individuals.
If Aries and Scorpio calm their tempers and learn to breathe before launching into confrontation, they have a good chance of lasting. These two are the Warriors of the Zodiac. They will be there for life if they find someone worth giving their loyalty and service to. Scorpio, most especially, is deeply committed, being a fixed sign. Aries has this in them, too, provided their partner gives them the independence they need. For this to happen, Scorpio must feel very safe with Aries—like they can trust them completely. Luckily, most Arians are very trustworthy due to their honesty. They seldom—if ever—lie. Their souls aren’t made for deception and betrayal, which is often what the Scorpio is used to. This openness and innocence of the Aries will very much appeal to Scorpio and create a strong foundation of intimacy and connection.
One thing that Scorpio loves about Aries is their protective energy. Aries will fight to the death for Scorpio, defending their honor and being firmly on their team. Scorpio will do the same for Aries. Even if these two tend to fight each other, they know deep down that they’re always on each other’s side, no matter what. Aries and Scorpio admire each other’s strength and ability to rise quickly after a challenge. These two don’t lack courage and bravery, which makes them so drawn to one another. They find each other’s Warrior spirits highly attractive.
Why is Aries Attracted to Scorpio?
Aries is not the only person attracted to Scorpio! Scorpio has this mysterious, mystical appeal that Aries can’t get enough of. Scorpio is a sign known for its allure. Aries loves to conquer, and Scorpio is an enigma to which their soul is irresistibly drawn, even over many years. Scorpio knows how to keep the Aries interested, learning only to reveal a little of themselves at a time. No matter how much Aries tries to get to know Scorpio, they’ll always feel like there’s much more to explore. Scorpio has this never-ending complexity that Aries adores.
Then, there’s the physical aspect of Scorpio that Aries is magnetized to. Scorpios are known as the most sensual signs in the entire zodiac. They are never short of potential lovers. In other words, Scorpio is just plain sexy. Aries, too, is very sexy, so it’s an attraction that goes both ways. Because Mars rules both of these signs, they’re naturally driven by their libidos. The chances are very high that these two will quickly slip into an intimate situation with each other—from there, the rest is history. The way that Scorpio moves, talks, their mannerisms, the way that they dress—all this will appeal to the hot-blooded Aries. Aries will also love that everyone else is attracted to Scorpio. They love to be with someone in high demand—their egos enjoy being the one to ‘win’ the Scorpio. They just need to be careful that this isn’t the only reason Aries wants to be with Scorpio. Scorpio will quickly pick up when they’re being paraded around as a trophy.
Will Aries and Scorpio Marry?
Both of these signs aren’t averse to the idea of marriage. But does this mean that Aries and Scorpio will make a good married couple? What is Aries and Scorpio’s compatibility concerning marriage?
Scorpio, as a fixed water sign, is born for marriage. They are deeply loyal to their significant others and seldom want to share or open up their relationship unless they deeply trust their partners. Casual relationships just aren’t for Scorpions. They probably met Aries and already knew whether or not they’d marry them.
What about Aries? What is their approach to marriage? Well, Aries are impulsive. They’re enthusiastic, spontaneous, and intensely passionate. If they love someone, you can bet your bottom dollar that they love with all of their hearts and souls—for that moment, at least. Aries will happily march down the aisle with Scorpio, convinced this is forever.
Yet, Aries may have trouble sticking around if the marriage becomes suffocating, boring, or too routine. They are very loyal, like Scorpio, but they can’t be in something their heart is no longer in. They’ll fight to the death for Scorpio, but if it’s not working, they may very well let go. It’s unlikely, given the deep attraction and bond that lies between Aries and Scorpio, but it is important to be aware of this.
Betrayal is always a very big concern for Scorpio. Will Aries betray them? It’s unlikely. Few Aries can keep up the duplicity of having more than one relationship. They’d rather come clean right away if there’s any hint of feelings towards anyone else. This can help Scorpio feel safe in the marriage, knowing that their Aries spouse will always honor them and speak the truth.
How are Aries and Scorpio in Bed?
The bedroom is the best place for Aries and Scorpio. That is where these two are the most compatible, where they get along the best. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, Scorpio is known for their intensely powerful libido. Being with this sign is unforgettable.
Aries is equally as hot-blooded. They’re a little more direct about their sensual needs and like to move quickly, whereas Scorpio enjoys a slow, intense burn. Balancing these two approaches will make the physical connection between Aries and Scorpio extremely strong and powerful. In fact, it’s probably what will keep them coming back together even when they have their fights and conflicts. Scorpio will teach Aries how to slow down, whereas Aries will make Scorpio feel like the most desirable person in the whole world. Aries and Scorpio won’t be able to keep their hands off each other!
What are the Problem Areas for Aries and Scorpio
What are the major problem areas for Aries and Scorpio that could hinder their compatibility?
The main issue here is tension and conflict. Both Aries and Scorpio can be seen as aggressive and confrontational, which may taint the harmonious moments between them. They both tend to be quite defensive and reactive—especially Aries—which could make sorting their conflicts difficult. Aries and Scorpio both need to learn to lower their weapons and let their guard down with each other. They’ll be at war for much of their time together if they don’t. Scorpio tends to be very strategic and often has a hidden agenda, whereas Aries is blunt, upfront, and a little tactless. Aries might not understand why Scorpio has to play games, and Scorpio may get irritated at Aries’ lack of subtlety.
Bearing in mind that this is also a fire-water connection, Scorpio can often put the fire of Aries out, quelling their passion or even attempting to control them. Aries people are highly independent and enjoy doing their own thing. They love to be the center of attention, but they also don’t like to be suffocated, so a fine balance must be achieved here. If Aries feels that Scorpio is bossing them around, they’ll have their backs up immediately.
The main tool that the Aries-Scorpio couple needs to use is communication. Too often, these two can be all brawn and not enough rationality. Taking time out to cool their tempers and talk will work wonders for this couple.
Author Bio - Margarita Celeste
Margarita Celeste is a seasoned astrologer. Her astrology studies began with her uncle, before three years of formal studies in Traditional Astrology under the tutelage of renowned astrologer and shaman Rod Suskin, graduating with distinction and a scholarship. Since 2015, Margarita has established a successful full-time astrology practice, “Margarita Celeste Astrology & Tarot.” She consults clients, writes for popular websites and apps, and teaches astrology courses for beginners and intermediate students.