Compatibility in Vedic Astrology

How to Find Compatibility in Vedic Astrology?

To know or learn Vedic astrology compatibility, we must start by learning how the planets and signs are compatible.

In Indian Vedic astrology, the nature of compatibility has been explained in detail.

The planets exert different kinds of authority over the Signs they are linked with. Aries is called the Exaltation House of the Sun, although that house belongs to Mars. It means the Sun is very strong in that house. Though there are exaltation houses for the other six planets, there is a particular degree in them, which is termed the Highest Exaltation Point.

For example, the Sun has its highest exaltation at ten degrees, which means when the Sun is in Aries and at 10th degree, it is said that the native will see the highest effect of the Sun, but if it is in 20th degree of Aries, it is said he is in his exaltation sun but not in the highest exaltation as he has fallen from the point.

In the same way, there is a Sign where a planet is debilitated: the house 7th from the exaltation sign is called the debilitation sign of a planet, so the debilitated house of the Sun is Libra, which is 7th from the Aries. The Sun is in his lowest debilitation if he is in the 10th degree of Libra. Similarly, the exalted houses of Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus are Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces, respectively. The debilitated house of these planets is Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Virgo.

The degree of highest exaltation also varies from planet to planet.


In addition to exaltation and debilitation signs, there is another house called Mulatrikona House. The Sun’s own house is Leo. This is his Mulatrikona, also. The initial 20 degree portion of Leo is called his Mulatrikona, and the last 10 degree portion of Leo is his own house or Swakshetra. In Taurus, the first 3 degrees constitute the Moon’s exaltation portion, and the rest 27 degrees is her Mulatrikona. Similarly, for each planet, there are defined degrees for Mulatrikona, exaltation or own house.

In Vedic astrology compatibility, Mulatrikona has an important role to play.

Sex of Planets

The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are males, the Moon, Venus, and Rahu are females, and Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are eunuchs.

The Nature of the Planets

Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are naturally benevolent; the waxing Moon is beneficial. The waxing Moon and Mercury with a malefic are malefics. The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are naturally malevolent. This astrology compatibility is equally good for the people who are governed by these planets.

The Qualities of the Planets

  • The Sun, Moon and Jupiter – Pure or Good
  • Mercury and Venus – Active, Passionate
  • Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu – Dark, Ignorant

The Gems of the Planets (or gems Vedic astrology compatibility)

  • The Sun – Ruby, Copper
  • The Moon – Pearl, Lead
  • Mars – Coral, Bronze
  • Mercury – Emerald, Brass
  • Jupiter – Topaz, Gold
  • Venus – Diamond, Silver
  • Saturn – Neelam, Iron
  • Rahu – Agate
  • Ketu – Lapis Lazuli

Planet Elements

There are five elements, and from the properties of these elements, we may find out the astrology compatibility of these planets or the persons who are influenced by these planets.

  • Fire – Sun and Mars
  • Water – Moon and Venus
  • Earth – Mercury
  • Ether – Jupiter
  • Wind – Saturn

Planetary Cabinet

The Sun is the King, and the Moon is the Queen: Mars is the commander, Mercury is the crown prince, Jupiter and Venus are ministers, and Saturn is the servant.


Mercury governs smell (nose), the Moon and Venus the taste(tongue), the Sun and Mars form(eye), Jupiter sound(ear), and Saturn, Rahu and Ketu touch( skin)

Planetary Aspects

The planets have four kinds of aspects. The manner of looking at the 3rd and 10th house from the one occupied by a planet is termed as quarter aspect; looking at the 5th and the 9th is a half aspect, the 4th and 8th houses is a 3/4th aspect, and the 7th house is a full aspect.

There is a speciality in the case of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. In the case of Saturn, even the quarter aspect is considered to be full. So, he fully aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th houses from the house he occupied. In the case of Mars, even the three-fourths aspect is full. So he fully aspects the 4th, 7th, and 8th houses from the house he occupied. Mars and Saturn are among malefics; hence their aspects can not but be malevolent in nature.

astrology Compatibility for Harmonious Relationships

Friends and Foes (Vedic Astrology Compatibility of the Planets and Thus of Us)


  • Friends – Moon, Mars and Jupiter
  • Enemies – Venus and Saturn
  • Neutrals – Mercury
  • Color – Copper


  • Friends – Sun and Mercury
  • Enemies – Nil
  • Neutrals – The Rest
  • Color – White


  • Friends – Sun, Moon and Jupiter
  • Enemies – Mercury
  • Neutrals – Venus and Saturn
  • Color -Red


  • Friends – Sun and Venus
  • Enemies – Moon
  • Neutrals – Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
  • Color – Green


  • Friends – Sun, Moon and Mars
  • Enemies – Mercury and Venus
  • Neutrals – Saturn
  • Color – Golden yellow


  • Friends – Mercury and Saturn
  • Enemies – Sun and Moon
  • Neutrals – Mars and Jupiter
  • Color – White


  • Friends – Mercury and Venus
  • Enemies – Sun, Moon and Mars
  • Neutrals – Jupiter
  • Color – Black

Rahu and Ketu

  • Friends – Mercury, Saturn and Venus
  • Enemies – Sun, Moon and Jupiter
  • Neutrals – Mars
  • Color – Black and Red, respectively

Author Bio - Jayanti Ghosh and Soumen Ghosh

Jayanti Ghosh and Soumen Ghosh

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