What kind of a couple do Aquarius and Gemini make? What is the level of compatibility between these two zodiac signs?
Aquarius and Gemini form a highly compatible couple, known for their intellectual connection and shared love for communication. Aquarius and Gemini are air signs, meaning they love to communicate and talk. They both find mental compatibility more important than physical connection. For Aquarius and Gemini, being able to share ideas is far more important than anything else. When these two start talking, they just don’t stop.
When two signs like Aquarius and Gemini are of the same element, it means that they naturally just ‘get’ each other. They are peas in a pod. They understand how each other’s minds and souls work. They support each other’s growth and expansion. This is a relationship that simply works.
This article explores how these air signs interact, highlighting strengths and offering tips for a harmonious relationship
Is Gemini a Soulmate for Aquarius?
So, based on the glowing review of Aquarius and Gemini’s compatibility, would we say that Gemini is Aquarius’ soulmate?
Yes, absolutely! Signs in the same element usually work in perfect harmony. There’s a big difference between a karmic relationship and a soulmate one. Like this one between Aquarius and Gemini, soulmate relationships feel easy and effortless. Karmic relationships don’t. So, when these two find themselves getting along with barely any effort, they’ll know that they have found “The One.”
What makes this so easy is that neither Aquarius nor Gemini are very possessive, clingy, or dramatic. Gemini, admittedly, have their dark side. They are the twins, after all. Nevertheless, this is also a sign that they will adapt to whomever they are with. Aquarius doesn’t do messy emotional showdowns, thus discouraging Gemini from even going there. This also makes this relationship work so well – there are hardly any blowouts. Aquarius and Gemini will talk it out rationally and calmly when they do happen. This is the hallmark of air signs.
Keep in mind that these two are also not necessarily all that romantic. So, they may talk of being soulmates but not necessarily get all soft and squishy with each other. They’re quite happy to verbally express their adoration of each other and keep things light and breezy. Aquarius and Gemini are not like water signs. When water signs like each other, they get very sentimental. This is not the case for Aquarius and Gemini!
Why is Aquarius Attracted to Gemini?
So, what about the Gemini that Aquarius is so attracted to? What makes them so incredibly magnetic?
Firstly, Gemini people are absolutely hilarious. They can make Aquarius fall apart with laughter. They remind Aquarius to loosen up and not take themselves as seriously as they do. You’ll often find Gemini being the life of the party, the showman – or woman – in the middle of the room, cracking everyone up with their smooth jokes and tongue-in-cheek naughtiness. Making people laugh is a sure sign of intelligence, and nothing gets Aquarius going more than intelligence.
When Aquarius eventually gets the social butterfly Gemini to themselves, they’ll find themselves completely fascinated by the quicksilver mind of this dual sign. The brain of a Gemini is as brilliant as Aquarius’s, but faster. Gemini can take in a great deal of information, learn all they can from it very quickly, and then relay it. Aquarians are so often teaching and guiding others that they’ll find this quality extremely magnetic.
It should be mentioned that Geminis are also extremely charming, which Aquarius can’t help but fall for. Gemini knows just what to say to lure Aquarius in – and keep them.
Can Aquarius Trust a Gemini?
The million-dollar question that every Aquarius probably has on their mind is whether or not they can fully trust Gemini.
Can they? Is Gemini trustworthy?
Well, it is known that Geminis have a reputation for having a smooth tongue. They know how to argue and use logic to prove their point. Sometimes, however, their point isn’t all that honest. At worst, Geminis can be guilty of gaslighting, often without knowing it. Geminis have the tendency to fall for their own deceptions at times.
Nevertheless, because Gemini is such a chameleon, they will usually adapt to the personality of the person they are with. And because Aquarius is such an honest sign, Geminis will usually follow their lead. Over time, Gemini will become more and more open and honest, feeling like they can truly open up to Aquarius and be authentic. This is all they need because many Geminis, in all honesty, tend only to lie because they’re afraid of getting in trouble. Aquarius’s open and accepting energy sets them at ease. This allows Gemini to be who they are without needing to deceive.
Will Aquarius and Gemini Ever Marry?
What does marriage hold for Aquarius and Gemini? Is this a couple that will one day walk down the aisle? Well, yes, very possibly. It may take time for this to happen, as these two aren’t necessarily caught up in the concept of marriage. They can take it or leave it. These are the best circumstances to get married in, as neither are desperate for it or doing it for the wrong reasons.
What about their marriage compatibility? Are these two good together once the knot has been tied?
Absolutely. Aquarius and Gemini have such cosmic harmony that they should be an effortless married team. They know when to spend time together and give each other space to enjoy their hobbies and freedom. Aside from mental compatibility, Aquarius needs this from their partner more than anything. If they feel the risk of being trapped and their wings clipped, they’d never marry in the first place.
What are the Challenging Areas for Aquarius and Gemini?
Now that we’ve covered all the good stuff, where are the challenging areas for Aquarius and Gemini? What dangers should these two watch out for?
Firstly, because they’re both air signs, Aquarius and Gemini can be a little detached and cool. Their affection may suffer on a physical level. They need to make an effort to stop constantly analyzing and just let their bodies, hearts, and feelings talk to each other. Feelings are hard for both signs, but they are a necessary area to grow in. Otherwise, they will never reach the deep, true vulnerability that defines a strong bond.
Aquarius and Gemini also need to be careful of being ‘know-it-alls’. They can both get on their high horses at times and take a lecturing standpoint, which could lead to arguments and a clash of egos. Luckily, Gemini is so adaptable that it can handle Aquarius’s sometimes rigid opinions. Nevertheless, Aquarius still needs to learn to give way to Gemini. They can’t always have all the answers.
Aquarius and Gemini will need to continue making an effort to spend time together. They have such busy lives that they may end up like ships passing in the night, which could eventually disconnect them in the long term.
How can Aquarius and Gemini Improve their Relationship?
Is there anything that Aquarius and Gemini could do to improve their relationship and be even more compatible than they already are?
Sure – every couple can improve their connection and do better. However, not much effort will be needed here as these two already have such strong compatibility. If these two create at least one evening a week where they get together and connect, heart to heart, then they’ll improve their relationship by leaps and bounds. When they learn to put words aside for even a few minutes a week and maybe eye gaze at each other, breathe together, or experience holding each other, this will help build a beautiful, emotional bond.
Aquarius and Gemini should also always have a fun and active social life, which they share with each other. Merging their friends sometimes instead of having separate connections can be great for this couple. They love to mingle and exchange ideas with other people, and having each other there at their sides will make them feel supported and held.
Practicing deep honesty and openness with each other is also something that Aquarius and Gemini can do to improve their relationship. They both have to learn deep listening skills and mirror back to each other what they hear. This will help to create empathy towards each other. Gemini, in particular, can be overly chatty at times, forgetting to hear, which could make Aquarius feel unseen and, therefore, grumpy. Also, Aquarius can take on a lecturing role, which Gemini may resent if they don’t speak up.
Finally, having romantic dates may be a little uncomfortable for this pair, but it is a good practice to create. This will help remind Aquarius and Gemini of the reason why they’re together in the first place.
Author Bio - Margarita Celeste
Margarita Celeste is a seasoned astrologer. Her astrology studies began with her uncle, before three years of formal studies in Traditional Astrology under the tutelage of renowned astrologer and shaman Rod Suskin, graduating with distinction and a scholarship. Since 2015, Margarita has established a successful full-time astrology practice, “Margarita Celeste Astrology & Tarot.” She consults clients, writes for popular websites and apps, and teaches astrology courses for beginners and intermediate students.