a couple holding hands at their beach wedding walking out of the water

What can be said when it comes to the Leo compatibility chart? Which zodiac sign is most compatible with this warm, fierce fire sign? Which of the signs doesn’t get along with Leo? Are there particular signs that are best matched with Leo, and are there signs that could be said to be the soulmate of Leo?

All these questions and more can be answered. Leo is one of the most romantic signs out there, so it’s seldom that we find this sign single. They are usually very loyal, lovable, and loving, with a huge, generous heart. Leo is an easy sign to love, in other words. Nevertheless, Leo has their dark side—they can be demanding, attention-seeking, and bossy. This may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but at the end of the day, their positive qualities more than make up for the daily drama. Even this, in itself, can become something very entertaining.

Leo Compatability: What is the Best Match With Leo?

Three people holding fake moustaches having fun. Leo best match Aries and Sagittarius

When thinking about Leo compatibility, an important question is, is there a particular sign that is the best match for Leo? Well, there’s not just one. There are a few that go very well with this sign of love and romance. The two other fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, are always a great match for Leo. These signs share a love of spontaneity, adventure, and excitement. They fire each other up with positivity and pure enthusiasm, spurring each other to achieve greater things. There’s never a dull moment when one of these fiery energies matches up with Leo.

With all of that said, the very best match for Leo is – surprisingly – a Cancerian. Seeing as Cancer is the sign ruled by the Moon, it makes sense that the sign ruled by the Sun – Leo – would be compatible together. Regardless of gender, these two are dubbed the “King and Queen” of heaven.

What are Leos Attracted To?

a smiling couple facing each other at a table in a cafe. Leo compatibility

Is there any particular sign that Leo is most attracted to? Most definitely. That sign is the delicious, charming, gorgeous Libra. Librans are often, next to Leo, the most attractive signs in the room. Leo people are not afraid to say that they find the Libran looks compelling. Not to mention their wittiness, sweet energy, and how they make Leo feel seen, valued and liked. Libra knows just what to say to Leo to make them feel adored and worshipped. When Leo receives this kind of validation, they glow from the inside out, and all they want to do is spoil their darling Libra lover. This is a true win-win situation.

Leo Compatability: Who Should Leos Not Be With?

a man looking away and holding up his hand to stop

Just as important as who is the best match, another important question about Leo compatibility is who should Leo not be with? Although the relationship between Leo and the other fixed signs—Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius – can be extremely long-lasting, it can have its own set of problems. These usually show up as stubbornness – on both sides – and the desire to control. Aquarius, perhaps less so, which makes Leo a little more compatible with Aquarius. But it’s always touch and go with Taurus and Scorpio. Both of these signs with Leo can be very passionate and highly romantic, but it’ll take constant adjustment to each other’s personalities. There will probably be power struggles. There will be drama. But there is also enormous commitment. If Leo is willing to make compromises and be flexible, along with their fixed-sign partner, this can be a long-lasting and powerful relationship where the lows are well worth the highs.

Who is the Soulmate of Leo?

a couple sitting close together at a table holding hands and smiling as soulmates

This may come as a major surprise, but the sign closest to a soulmate for Leo is the tender, sweet water sign of Pisces. They say water and fire don’t go together, but this is a special case. See, Pisces has this sweet vulnerability that Leo feels incredibly protective over, whereas Pisces simply adores and admires the proud, strong Leo for who they are.

Together, these two create a gentle yet powerful merging that can last the test of time. It goes without saying that these two are also the most romantic signs of the zodiac, making their time together almost transcendent. Butterflies and rainbows are an everyday occurrence for the Leo and Pisces couple.

Leo Compatability: Who Do Leos Usually Marry?

a bride and groom standing on a dance floor looking at each other

Who do Leos usually marry is an essential question when assessing Leo compatibility. Because Leo is such a romantic sign, they will always want to marry their soulmate. According to astrology, Pisces is one of the signs that could be Leo’s soulmate. So, if and when wedding bells ring for this couple, it’s likely to be a marriage of souls.

Pisces feels protected and held by the powerful Leo, and Leo pledges to provide for and defend the Pisces for life. The only issue here is that Pisces individuals can, at times, be a little evasive, not always enjoying the notion of marriage. Leo needs to give them plenty of room to be free; otherwise, the Pisces may break away and run for the hills.

The other sign that Leos often end up marrying is Taurus. Although this is a fixed sign and therefore as stubborn as the Leo, it’s also necessary to keep in mind that Taurus is a sign ruled by romantic Venus, and Leos just love romance. Plus, the Taurus individual tends to be highly loyal, just as loyal as the Leo. A Taurus takes marriage very seriously, making Leo feel safe and respected.

Who is Leo's Best Friend?

two girls taking a selfie and smiling like best friends

Is there any sign that could be called the very best friend of Leo? Of course. Aquarius. Aquarians are everyone’s best friends, but especially the Leo’s. Aquarius will support and encourage the Leo, admire them, support them, and be incredibly loyal to them. If Aquarius truly believes in Leo’s vision, they’ll stop at nothing to make that dream a reality.

They also provide rational, clear logic and objectivity to any situation, making Leo feel heard and understood. Leo will shower Aquarius with adoration and generosity when they feel heard and cared for. They bring warmth to the connection and their huge, loving hearts. These two also know just how to have fun, making their friendship fun and pleasurable for both.

Leo Compatability: Who is Leo's Twin Flame?

twin boys standing back to back wearing fake glasses

Is there a sign that could be said to be Leo’s twin flame? (An important question in Leo compatibility) Usually, opposite signs are the twin flames of any sign, yet in this case, not so much. Leo’s twin flame is more likely to be Aries, one of the other fire signs. Aries is just as confident, self-assured, and proud as the royal Leo. As such, these two can find a deep resonance with each other. Yet, they can also project certain qualities onto each other – good or bad – that they need to learn from and own. Leo and Aries can be true mirrors of each other, offering one another the potential for enormous growth.

Who is Leo Least Compatible With in Friendship?

two friends sitting at a small table, smiling and drinking coffee

Is there a sign that Leo is least compatible with friendship? There is one. Virgo can be a little tough for Leo to get along with, seeing as this earth sign can be quite critical and even judgmental at times. Leo, for all their confidence, can be almost oversensitive to criticism. They need a friend that lifts them, not puts them down.

Virgo’s intention can be simply to help and give advice, so none of the judgment is ever done in a malicious way. Nevertheless, Leo might need someone around who complains a little less and is more upbeat and positive overall.

Leo Compatiability: Are Leos Hard to be Friends With?

a small group of students writing in notebooks not interacting with each other

A Leo? Hard to be friends with? Absolutely not. Leos are some of the kindest, most generous, loving friends in the world. They will go to the ends of the earth for the ones they hold in their giant hearts. In fact, the biggest issue of Leo is their loyalty.

They will stick by someone’s side over and over again, even if they get hurt, just because that’s who they are. There is a breaking point, of course, but it takes many years for a Leo to hit that point. A Leo is someone that you’d absolutely want to have on your side, no doubt about it.

Who is Leo's Worst Enemy?

composed image of two girls as enemies having a disagreement

There are very few signs that could be said to be the worst enemy of Leo. Yet, if one had to be picked, it could be Scorpio. As loyal as Scorpio is, which Leo loves, things can get pretty ugly when they’re on the other side of the fence.

Leo can be a drama queen, whereas Scorpio is manipulative at worst. Leos can’t handle a hidden agenda, and their idea of revenge is to live their very best life. Scorpio’s secretive, vengeful energy can turn Leo right off.

Leo Compatability: What is Leo's Love Language?

a happy couple sitting at a table holding hands and smiling at each other

Love language is an important aspect of Leo compatibility. So, does Leo have a particular love language? Oh, yes. That language is usually a gift. Leo lives loud and large and just adores spoiling their sweethearts. They love lavish gifts, so expect to be completely indulged by your Leo lover. And, as we know by now, the love language we speak is often the one we crave. So, go on and spoil your Leo. They’ll be forever grateful.

Author Bio - Margarita Celeste

an image of Margarita Celeste Astrologist

Margarita Celeste is a seasoned astrologer with a deep-rooted passion for Eastern Astrology. Her astrology studies began with her uncle, before three years of formal studies in Traditional Astrology under the tutelage of renowned astrologer and shaman Rod Suskin, graduating with distinction and a scholarship. Since 2015, Margarita has established a successful full-time astrology practice, “Margarita Celeste Astrology & Tarot.” She consults clients, writes for popular websites and apps, and teaches astrology courses for beginners and intermediate students.

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Leo and Gemini Compatibility Explored

Leo and Gemini

Have you ever wondered about the relationship compatibility between Gemini and Leo? There are many things that make this couple one of the best zodiac matches in Astrology. Read on to explore more of how Leo and Gemini are in a relationship together.