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What Does Palmistry Say?

palmistry hand reading

Palmistry or hand reading is the art of reading the lines and contours on an individual’s hand to identify that person’s traits.

The human hand is a map that indicates an individual’s personality, nature, characteristics, life expectancy, fortune, and much more.

The subject allows us to read the dictates of destiny, effectively using the positive power within us while avoiding potentially difficult challenges preventing us from achieving materialistic or spiritual progress.

The History of Palmistry

The subject dates back more than 5,000 years, and existing documents indicate that it emerged in the Vedic period and later in the biblical period. The Vedic was an ancient civilization very rich in culture. Many scholars from this period conducted profound studies in science and astronomy using the naked eye. Indeed, their observations of the stars and planets are quite astonishing, even in this day and age.

Palm reading became popular in Western countries through the people of Greece. Aristotle (circa 3500 BC) discovered an ancient Arabic treatise written in gold on an altar of Hermes. This treatise detailed the science of palmistry. In addition, the Greek physicians Hypocrites and Galen used it as a clinical aid in the second century BC. Countries like India, Egypt, China, and Japan, as well as Arabian countries, continued to develop this art and astrology.


catholic church and palmistry

However, the Catholic Church soon banned the practice of this, preventing its development in Western countries until the 15th century, when the church started to lose its influence in society. During the era, such notable people as Paracelsus (1493-1542) and Fludd (1574- 1637 ) brought respectability to palmistry through their writings.

More recently, in 1901, Scotland Yard adopted the fingerprint technique for identification in criminal investigations. Meanwhile, medical researchers developed a strong link between genetic abnormalities and unusual markings in the hand. In addition, scientists have proven a link between specific fingerprint patterns and heart disease.

Today, the subject is well accepted throughout the world, with thousands of texts being written on it. Indeed, many palmists have adopted this as their profession, analyzing the hand and interpreting the markings for various meanings. These days, this art is used to predict the future of an individual. However, it is also effective for personality assessment.

In fact, the original intent of the subject was personality assessment and counseling.

Learning Palmistry

Learning Palmistry

By the time you finish reviewing the pages on palmistry on this site, you will have gained a deeper understanding of yourself and the people around you. You will be amazed to see your predictions proven 100% correct.

Learning this subject is entertaining, but mastery requires years of study and experience. In the following few pages, I shall try to explain it in the manner in which I learned it from my teachers. My learning started with the history of palmistry; then, I learned to diagram the hand. The diagram of the hand consists of three things:

  1. Fingers and nails
  2. Lines
  3. Mounts on the hand

Palmistry Lessons

Learn Palmistry

Lesson One: Palm, Fingers and Nails

Embarking on the journey of learning palmistry involves delving into the intricate details of the palm, fingers, and nails. As you explore the lines etched on the palm, decode the language of the fingers, and uncover the significance of nail characteristics, you unveil a wealth of insights into one's personality, potential challenges, and life path. Each aspect contributes to the holistic understanding of palmistry, empowering you to navigate the complexities of interpreting the hand's unique features and gaining a profound insight into the mysteries they hold.

palm lines - palmistry diagram of hand

Lesson Two: Lines of Palmistry

Learning palmistry opens a gateway to understanding the intricate lines that adorn the hands and wrists. These lines, such as the heart line, head line, and lifeline, unveil a narrative of one's personality, emotions, intellect, and life journey. Exploring the twists and turns of these lines allows for a nuanced interpretation, offering profound insights into an individual's character and destiny. As you delve into the study of these lines, you gain the expertise to decipher the language of the hands and unlock the secrets they hold.

palmistry diagram of hand

Lesson Three: Palmistry Diagram of the Hand

Delving into the art of palmistry involves a fascinating exploration of the mounts, the elevated areas on the palm associated with different planetary influences. Learning about these mounts unveils a wealth of information about an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and unique characteristics. The mounts, such as the Mount of Venus or Mount of Jupiter, serve as indicators of specific traits related to love, creativity, ambition, and more.

Author Bio - Jayanti Ghosh and Soumen Ghosh

Jayanti Ghosh and Soumen Ghosh

Embark on a journey of numerological discovery with confidence, guided by our resident numerology experts, Jayanti Ghosh and Soumen Ghosh, recognized authorities in the field. Our content is meticulously curated, drawing from esteemed numerological texts and research. Rigorous fact-checking and peer reviews ensure the utmost accuracy and reliability. We are dedicated to transparently sharing the sources of our numerological knowledge, promoting a culture of trust and authenticity. You’re in the hands of a trusted expert, exploring the profound realm of pinnacle numbers with certainty.