Scorpio Compatibility: Which Signs Are Most Compatible?

When it comes to Scorpio compatibility, being with a Scorpio is not for the faint-hearted. This is a sign of pure passion, depth, and power. Hard to get to know, once the Scorpio opens up, they reveal a side that’s loyal, sensitive, caring, and committed. Not all signs can handle the depth of a Scorpio, and not all signs find themselves compatible with this intuitive and perceptive water sign.

However, some signs are extremely compatible with Scorpio, the soulmates of the Scorpio, and those most likely to marry a Scorpio. Something important to keep in mind about Scorpio is that once they commit, it’s for life—unless they are betrayed in some way, in which case, the person who does the betraying will be completely dead to them. Scorpios love deeply and forever—they aren’t the kind of person to play in the shallows. So, if you want to be with a Scorpio, make sure that you’re ready to go the long haul. The emotional depth of Scorpio will leave you wanting more and more. There’s a reason why this is the sign most known for passion and magnetism. Scorpio has an alluring, compelling air that is impossible to resist. Whatever happens, it’s impossible ever to forget what it’s like to date or marry a Scorpio.

What is a Scorpio's Best Match?

a couple sitting cross legged on the floor smiling at each other. Scorpio compatibility

Which sign is most compatible with Scorpio? Who is their very best match? Well, there are a few signs that go extremely well with Scorpio, namely the water signs of Cancer and Pisces and the earth signs of Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo. Strangely enough, the sign of Aries also goes well with Scorpio, as these two signs are ruled by the planet Mars, igniting enormous passion between them. Then again, as much as these two have passion, they may also have plenty of friction, seeing as Mars is the archetypal War God.

When looking at Scorpio compatibility, of all these signs, the best match of all, the most compatible with Scorpio, would likely be Taurus. Although these two signs are fixed signs, which means that they can be extremely stubborn, they tend to be highly committed and loyal to each other. What’s more, Taurus is ruled by Venus, the romance planet, whereas Mars rules Scorpio in ancient astrology, the planet of desire and lust. Venus and Mars are well-known as the ‘Cosmic Lovers’. They are magnetically drawn to each other, as are Taurus and Scorpio. There’s enormous passion here, as well as great potential for longevity.

Capricorn comes in a close second to being Scorpio’s best match. They are just as loyal, trustworthy, and ambitious. These two make a ‘power couple’ capable of conquering the world together. They respect and admire each other hugely, but more than that, they trust each other.

Who is Scorpio Not Compatible With?

a couple sitting back to back and looking off into the distance

An important aspect of Scorpio compatibility is which zodiac sign is just not compatible with Scorpio. Which one would struggle the most with this deep, complex sign? Which sign wouldn’t be able to understand the emotional power of Scorpio?

There are two signs that might be the hardest for Scorpio to get along with in a romantic relationship. The first of these is Sagittarius. Although Sagittarius has depth and wisdom, they tend to be more happy-go-lucky and somewhat fickle. Their freedom and independence are the most important values in their life, and because of this, they can come off as non-committal and unreliable. There’s nothing more triggering for the sensitive Scorpio than someone who can’t live up to their word. It’s not that the Sagittarius lacks integrity; it’s just that they need to keep their options open. Sagittarians like to travel often, party hard, and seldom have jealousy issues. If the Sagittarius could have their way, they’d be in an open relationship.

Scorpio people can’t handle this energy and would feel like the Sagittarius is about to betray them constantly. This could result in Scorpio’s dark side coming out, such as being controlling. Sagittarians react defensively to any displays of jealousy, which could make for way more drama than either person is prepared to handle.

The other sign that this scenario might happen is Gemini. Here, the risk of toxicity is heightened due to Gemini’s ability to skirt the truth, which the Scorpio will sense. Both signs can be somewhat manipulative at the worst of times, which could end up in all kinds of problems if they don’t strive to be completely honest with each other.

Scorpio Compatibility: What is a Scorpio's Soulmate Sign?

a couple on a beach on their wedding day. He is carrying the bride on his back

Are there any particular signs that could be soulmates for the Scorpio? Absolutely. Scorpio is one of those signs that truly believe in soulmates. This attitude often helps them to meet and fall in love with the person they’ll spend the rest of their lives with. Scorpio is a sign that they believe in forever, and they’re looking for the one person with whom they can share this dream.

Who is this sign? Out of all the signs compatible with Scorpio, one stands out as their soulmate, and that has to be the tender, sweet sign of Pisces. This is also a water sign, just like Scorpio. So, there’s already a depth of emotional connection and understanding that the Scorpio loves. Scorpio immediately feels protective of the vulnerable Pisces, and Pisces just loves falling into their magnetic spell. Pisces will wholeheartedly support the Scorpio in everything they do, making them feel needed and valued. These two will have a cosmic connection like nothing else, with huge passion and almost telepathic understanding between them.

The other sign that might be said to be Scorpio’s soulmate—aside from Pisces and Taurus—would be the water sign of Cancer. They are as deep, sensitive, and emotionally complex as Scorpio. They simply ‘get’ the Scorpio in a way that others don’t, making the Scorpio feel loved, seen, and appreciated. Together, these two slowly learn to let down their guard and envelop themselves in an unforgettable relationship

What Signs do Scorpios Not Like?

an unhappy couple both have their arms folded and looking away

Are there any signs that the Scorpio just doesn’t like? Any signs that get under their skin in a way that isn’t so nice? Scorpio people have extremely powerful intuition, which they use to discern whether or not someone is worthy of their attention and time. They tend to get dishonest energy from the air signs Gemini, Libra, and, to a lesser degree, Aquarius. It’s not that these air signs are actually dishonest. It’s just that they’re very charming and are often flirtatious, a quality by which the typical Scorpio gets very triggered. So, it’s not necessarily that the air signs are bad people. It’s simply that their natural sociability might not appeal to the Scorpio right away. Over time, some of these signs can prove trustworthy, especially Aquarius’s fixed, consistent sign, which Scorpio will eventually trust and respect.

Scorpios might also not always enjoy Leo’s energy, which can be quite dramatic and bossy. Scorpio likes to be in control, and so does Leo, so these two signs may get into a power struggle with each other at times. Nevertheless, there’s still great potential for these two to enjoy a strong bond as they get to know each other.

Finally, Aries can be a love-hate relationship for the Scorpio. There’s plenty of spark here and great potential for loyalty. But there’s also just as much chance of fights and defensiveness if these two aren’t aware of their own patterns.

Scorpio Compatibility: Who do Scorpios Usually Marry?

a newly married couple smiling with their arm around each other

Are there any signs that the Scorpio tends to marry? Does the typical Scorpio even believe in marriage? Sure they do. Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning they’re committed and eager to get up close and personal with their beloved. ‘Till Death Do Us Part’ is something that the typical Scorpio lives by. They take their vows incredibly seriously and can be very picky about the partner they end up settling down with.

So, who would that person usually be? Which sign is the lucky one that gets to spend a lifetime with the deep, loving, passionate Scorpio? That sign would have to be the equally loyal Taurus. Taurus is the opposite sign to Scorpio, and out of all the opposite pairs of signs, the most likely to succeed in a long-term marriage or relationship. Taurus brings balance to the Scorpio’s life by being peaceful and calm amidst their storms. Scorpios seem very much in control, but beneath this energy lies a teeming mass of powerful, intense emotions. 

Taurus is one of the only signs that can withstand Scorpio’s intensity and make them feel held, safe, and secure. This key quality would make a marriage work between these two signs. They also have enormous passion between the two, a trait that all marriages need to survive all the ups and downs that life can throw at them. 

Author Bio - Margarita Celeste

an image of Margarita Celeste Astrologist

Margarita Celeste is a seasoned astrologer.  Her astrology studies began with her uncle, before three years of formal studies in Traditional Astrology under the tutelage of renowned astrologer and shaman Rod Suskin, graduating with distinction and a scholarship. Since 2015, Margarita has established a successful full-time astrology practice, “Margarita Celeste Astrology & Tarot.” She consults clients, writes for popular websites and apps, and teaches astrology courses for beginners and intermediate students.

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A young couple sitting and smiling at the camera

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