Every month I receive lots of great feedback from my viewers. Here is just a few of the things they said about my reports –
(Testimonials are not edited for spelling errors.)
Hi Jayanti,
I received my numerology report and I absolutely love it! Everything you found out about me hit it right on the head. Its made me feel more aware about myself and help me understand why I am the way I am.
Thank you so much again! This will always be a treasured gift you have given me.
Forever greatful,
Rhiannen Sears
Thank you Mr. Ghosh for taking the time for my profile, I thought it was very explanatory, and I enjoyed the specific dates and months you gave. I was truly amazed at the number of months you gave numbers for, I used my full birth certificate name for the reading, but I don’t use my middle name in daily life, does that make a difference?
thank you
Cheena Beg
I thought the profile you sent me was awesome are unbelievably accurate. I could not have done a better job describing myself than the report did. I was very impressed by it and have passed on your info to others that I know. I know for fact that one of my friends had requested and received a report from you which was also right on the money as far as accuracy goes. Thank you for taking the time to make my profile for me, I enjoyed it and refer back to it from time to time. I dont mind receiving any type of emails or messages from you so please feel free to send whatever you like. Im sure I will enjoy your insight.
Thanks again,
Joseph Baker
United States
i received the numerology profile,and it was very good,i met many characteristics from myself there.I just wondered what does it means a person with all pinnacles with a 9.
if you could say to me i´ll be grateful
have a nice day!
Vinny Ramone
I hope you are doing well. Thank you for sending me a detailed report about me. I am really impressed by your readings. I will do what ever the best to promote your website. I will also introduce some of my friends and ask them to view your website.
Thank you,
Raaja Selvanaathan. D
Thank you very much for sending the numerology profile for me. I’m so amazed and interested with its content. Im glade i had found your site. Actually i have not yet read it all but i promised to read this till the last page. Can I make a request to do me a favor I would like to ask a numerology profile for some one if that is ok to you friend?
Thank you and God bless
Sorry for the delayed reply. Your Report was Fantastic, couldn’t find any flaw in your report. Infact I hope I don’t turn a victim of superiority complex as the report is too good to be true.
Thanks for your Fabulous Numerology Report.
Wish u luck in ur future endeavor.
Rubina S Das.
I m Very happy that you gave precious time for generating my
numerology chart….. Now i’m going through it…. I’m folowing your
guidelines and working according to the numbers suited to me…..
Thanks a lot… I’ m going to enter in a new venture. Lets see if it
really works or not???? And if its a success i’ll tell my frnds abt ur
Prakash Joshi
Thank you for the profile, I found it to be very accurate as far as my personality and challenges that I have faced are concerned. I appreciate your work on my behalf.
Beth Phillips
Respected Madam,
I got your letter it is very help full for me but one to you madam please help me my name is AMITABHA DUTTA it is good for my forecast or AMITAVA DUTTA which one is good for me please select.
Thanking You
Amitabha Dutta
Namaskar jayanti ghosh ji,
First of all, thank you so much for creating and interpreting my
numerology profile. But an error occured my mail account, and i
couldnot read it any further. However, whatever parts of the email i
could read, i found it astonishingly true. If you could please resend
me my profile analysis, it would be a huge help to me. As i am going
through downs of my life, i could help me. I will be anticipating your
email. Anyways, thank you again for taking pain in reading my mail.
Anindita Paul
Hello Mr. Ghosh I did really enjoy your reading it gave me great insight and i especially enjoyed the yearly monthly and daily forecasts, I can’t begin to thank you!
Hi Jayanti,
thank you very much, I really appreciate the effort and time spent in creating my report. Lots to read!
love, blessings and peace,
Mairead Ní Chonghaile
Thanks a lot for the numerology reading.I appreciate the time and efforts on your part.
I liked your analysis .
Sonzal Bali
Thank you so much. I will definitely pass you’re site along :)
Lisa Spencer
Thank you for sending me my report. It was very detailed and mostly accurate. I really enjoyed reading it.
I really appreciate the things you do out of the goodness of your heart.
I thank you again.
Sivu Suppiah
Dear Mrs. Jayanti Ghosh,
Its my pleasure to receive a data packed detail report. Whenever I get time I used to check back those forecast on day to day basis. I’m enjoying the report. Wish you the best.
Pradeep Kumar Banerjee
Leadership Coach, Graphologist & Mind Therapist
It was really a good one and i’m thank you for giving me a insight of what kind of person I’m.
But not sure of the day to day prediction.
Thanks and regards
Vijayanand M
Dear Jayanti,
Thank you so much for a such a detailed report.
I would like you to be my guide and lead me to a better life path.
I have been having a very bad period since 2 years and 7 months now, with no job and strained relationships with relatives.
Please throw some light by telling me when will these change for the better, when will I get a job etc
Also is it possible to chat so that we can have a more detailed discussion on the same.
God bless,
Sanjay Menon
Thanks a lot for the reading..
It was really helpful….
The reading was full of info that helped me to know abut my chart
I will be very greatful if you can send me a reading about my future
marriage and career..
Thanks again
Sayani Palit
Hi Jayanti,
I am truly grateful to you for the detailed numerology profile which you sent me a few days ago. its exhaustive and gives a good understanding of my personality. I am yet to read the entire transcript and hence can’t comment on its usefulness in its totality, however a job well done!
Sidharth Jain
Dear madam
i really like ur numerology method. it is very much informative & gross
analysis.ur method is very interesting.i spread ur web site through
facebook and email ur website into my others friends.thank you for ur
brilliant numerology assumption.if u interested,please help me to
learn numerology.
rubel chowdhury,Dhaka,Bangladesh
wow, thank you so much! I will be visiting your site often and refer others.
Dear Madam Jayantiji
Many thanks for your accurate prediction.I shall have to take special care. Regards
Dr Dipak Kumar Dutta
This is your brilliant analysis on my name mam……..Thanks a ton mam…….
Debabrata Sarkar
thank you very much Jayanti Ghosh mam for my name report. it was really a great analysis & exactly true with respect to my personality. thanks once again.
Er Deepankush Maharish
I enjoyed the profile very much, the personal number I had 7, was very on point and my life path number is 3, I have aspirations to be an recording artist so I hope this life path number contributes into a future career though I know nothing’s promising. Thank you for you time,
Caitlin B.